Monday, January 19, 2009


It has been quite awhile since I updated, so I'm uh... well, not sorry. But...

Well you should be relieved. I kind of burned myself out with the Logging Adventure (which is a bit pathetic considering its meager length), so I'll regulary update with less exciting stuff. The inaguration of President Obama is happening in a few days, so I guess you commie pinko liberals are pretty excited.

Us true Americans aren't happy at all, though. He is a TERRORIST MUSLIM, and he's on a mission to destroy all that we hold dear. I heard some of his followers blew up a Taco Bell in a mall the other day (don't bother looking it up, those bastards have covered it up and they'll probably arrest you for asking questions anyway), and I'm against that sort of thing.

I propose we arrest Barack Obams, with the power of citizen's arrest! We'll make him answer for the crimes he's bound to commit!

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